Dr Alice Febery
General, Breast &
Endocrine Surgeon
Southland, New Zealand.
Breast Surgery
Dr Febery offers comprehensive care for both cancerous and benign conditions of the breast. Care ranges from investigation of breast symptoms through to diagnosis, multidisciplinary care, and Oncoplastic Breast Surgery.
Read MoreThyroid Surgery
Dr Febery addresses a range of thyroid conditions. This may be from overactive glands, compression symptoms, or suspicious and cancerous findings on scans and biopsies.
Parathyroid Surgery
Parathyroid Surgery focuses on treating overactive parathyroid glands which can disrupt the body's calcium balance. This prevents complications of poor concentration and sleep, kidney stones, brittle bones and lethargy.
Hernia Surgery
Dr Febery offers comprehensive range of Hernia Surgery options, including both laparoscopic and open repairs. Her expertise covers hernias arising in various locations, such as the groin, umbilicus and at surgical scars. The surgical approach is carefully determined based on factors like hernia size, location and patient lifestyle, ensuring optimal outcomes.
Skin Surgery
Dr Febery offers assessment, biopsies and a range of simple to complex skin procedures. Benign skin conditions, Melanoma, and non melanoma skin cancers are treated with tailored surgery. Lymph node surgery sampling or full lymph node clearance is offered as indicated. All complex skin malignancies are discussed and managed through a regional cancer forum.
Gall Bladder Surgery
Gall Bladder Surgery primarily involves laparoscopic removal of the gallbladder, usually due to complications from gallstones. This addresses pain, and prevents the long term risk of blockage and infection.
Other Services
Our clinic offers comprehensive surgical management for conditions such as haemorrhoids, fissures, and fistulas. Haemorrhoids, akin to varicose veins within the rectum, fissures, which are non-healing cracks in the rectal tissue, and fistulas, persistent tunnels discharging fluid near the bottom, are treated with tailored and personalised care for each individual.

We are dedicated to providing exceptional surgical care, tailored to your individual needs.
To begin your journey with us, it is essential to start with a referral from your General Practitioner (GP). This initial step is crucial in ensuring that you receive the most appropriate and coordinated care right from the start. Our commitment to your health and wellbeing is our utmost priority, and we strive to ensure a seamless and supportive experience throughout your surgical journey.